Saturday, 5 February 2011

Dan Dali's Feedback on the Apartment Interior

I bumped into Dan Dali (one of my tutors) and he told me that he was very impressed with the work that I had produced for his unit. While doing my main project I was also exploring lighting within Maya using area lights and spot lights. For this unit we had to learn an area which we had not explored before and record our progress. I produced many lighting tests by observing the works of industry professionals. I eventually grasped the techniques used to create realistic and atmospheric lighting. Dan told me that he was very impressed with the overall quantity and quality of work that I had produced for his unit. He also mentioned that I had made a lot of progress with regard to the apartment interior that I had modeled and lit. He mentioned that the room now had a very moody atmosphere with a contrast between the light and dark areas, which reflected not only the mood of the story, but the character as well. This was the effect I was trying to achieve, to add a certain amount of character to the room itself to enhance the mood of the story.

This is Dan's Feedback below:-

You have demonstrated the effectiveness of this unit by taking full advantage in applying new techniques and skills. You have pushed yourself in to new territories and overcome fears by experimenting, researching and working hard to achieve some excellent results.

You initial research on lighting was a little text heavy to begin with but very relevant and you focused your skills to what was important to the film. By giving yourself a clear objective you quickly showed some professional and creative tests that had shown progress in your learning.

You willingness to challenge yourself with UV mapping and texturing was excellent and again this was evident in your final test. You evaluated your progress well and clearly demonstrated this term how much you can improve and learn when you apply yourself to a task. I hope you continue this progress throughout this year and that it has given you the confidence to keep pushing yourself and challenge problems that will arise throughout your time here at Ravensbourne and hopefully in industry.

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