So here is the progress I have been making with the clothing. So far so good. The geometry when smoothed looks pretty good and matches the form of the character. My only worry is how this will be rigged as it is separate from the character, I'm afraid I don't know enough about character modeling and rigging to know if this will be a problem.
Today I set about crating the vest trousers and jacket. When creating the vest and jacket in maya I realised I could use existing body geometry and alter the mesh to create clothing.
Originally the mesh was only 1 polygon thick but I decided to add a little thickness to the clothes so that it did not look too computer generated. I tried to keep the polygon count low which would reduce memory and frame loss. This should make things easier when animating.
Some of the images show the wireframe which had to be as clean as possible to prevent polygon tearing in the rigging process.
When modeling the trousers I used the same technique of duplicating the body and cutting out the necessary geometry. This technique proved to be highly effective as I was able to create the objects quickly which would save time but would also match the body geometry. I was pleased with the results however, they do appear somewhat flat. Im sure with appropriate textures this will improve this.

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